Ngā Kāwai Katoa

Whakapā atu

Investigate the Future through Our Range of New Vehicles

Tūhuratia te wā heke mai mā tā mātou Awhe Waka Hōu


Haere mai ki te mōhio ki ngā kitenga hou rawa i mahia i roto i te pūkaha waka mā roto i o tātau motokā hou e tūtaki ai te hangarau arā atu anō ki te hoahoa māmā. Kua hangaia e mātau ia awhe waka hei tuku wheako taraiwa nui mā te whakaranu i te mahinga, te tōtika hinu me te whakamarietanga. Ahakoa e hiahiatia ana e koe tētahi tauira e tiaki ana i te hinu mō te whakamahinga taone, kotahi rānei me te hiko i hangaia mō te haere tawhiti, kātahi ka taupokina katoatia e mātau ki tō mātou raina motokā hou. Kua whakaurua ngā roto ki te whakamutunga o nāianei e haere tahi ana me ngā āhuahira mātauranga, ko te tikanga kia teitei ake te haumarutanga, te tūhonotanga me te āwhina i a ia e taraiwa ana. Me mōhio koe ki te taumata panuku o te haere huarahi mā te whakamahi i ēnei waka ā-iwi e mahia ana kia tino pai ai ia haere i runga i te kounga me te haere whakamua pēnei i te kore e taea e ētahi atu mea i runga wīra!

Tīkina He Kīanga

Kei a mātou ngā rongoā tino pai mō tō umanga

Tūhuratia tētahi ahu hou o te haerenga me a tātau waka hiko tapa-tapa, i hoahoatia kia tutuki ai ngā tono o te nekeneke o nāianei. Ko tā mātau awhe waka e whakakotahi ana i te hangarau arā atu anō me ngā rongoā rata-rau, e whakahere ana i tētahi wheako taraiwa pakari, he māia, he pūmau hoki. Mā te arotahi ki te mahinga, te haumarutanga, me te kāhua, ka hangaia a tātau waka hiko hei tuku uara tino ātaahua. Ahakoa e navigating ana i nga tiriti taone, i te hīkoi rānei i runga i nga haerenga roa, ka whakaū a tātau waka i te haere māeneene, mārire me te kohu kore. Hipanga ki te wā heke mai o te haerenga me te whakawhiwhi i nga painga o te nekeneke hiko i tēnei rā.

He aha i kōwhiri ai i te Pūkoro o Qianhui

Hangarau Whakanaonga Auaha

Mā ngā pūkenga whakanao arā atu anō e whakaū i ngā wae waka tino kounga.

Awhe Hua Whānui

Ko te tīpakonga whānui o ngā wāhanga waka i whakaritea ki ngā hiahia kiritaki maha.

Whatunga Tūaritanga Huri noa

Ko te mekameka putanga whānui e tae ana ki nga mākete nui o te ao.

Ngā Āheinga R&D Kaha

Ko ngā puku whakahaere haere tonu e whakahaere ana i te whanaketanga hua tiketike me te mahinga.


He aha ngā kōrero a ngā kaiwhakamahi mō te Kāhua o Qianhui

No nā tata nei i whakatakotoria ai e mātau he raupapa nui mo nga pātītī hiko, ā, kua tino pā ki a mātau te kounga me te mahinga. Kua hipa atu nga pātītī i a mātau tūmanako, a, he tino pai nga urupare a a mātau kiritaki. I te wā tika te tukunga, a, he māeneene, he ngaio te tukanga katoa. E tūpato ana mātau ki te whakahaere tonu i ta mātau mahi ngātahi.


Hara Thompson

Neke atu i te tau kotahi te wā e whakahau ana to mātau kamupene i nga paihikara hiko mai i tēnei kaiwhakarato, ā, kāore i taea e mātau te hari ake ki nga hua. He kāniwha runga te kaha me te hoahoa, e makau ai rātau i waenganui i o tātau hoa hokohoko. He whakataetae te utu nuinga, ā, ko te tautoko e whiwhi ana tātau he tohuāki, he pono i nga wā katoa. Ko te tino manako mo tētahi tangata i te mākete ātea.


Kīhi Mātiniez

I a mātau he kaiwhakanoa hiko, kai runga tonu mātau i te tirotiro mo nga hua tino kounga. He tino tāpiritanga ki ta mātau rārangi nga paepae i whiwhi ai mātau i tēnei kaiwhakanao. He tino pai rawa atu te mahi mahi, a, he nui te uara mo te moni. E whakamanamana ana a mātau kiritaki ki te hoahoa hōu me te mahinga pono, ā, kua kite mātou i te nui o nga hokohoko mai i te tāpiritanga ki to mātau putumōhio.


Emily Johnson

He maha nga marama i kawea mai ai e mātau nga pahikara hiko mai i tēnei kamupene, ā, kāore anō kia poto noa iho te wheako. He tino pai te hanga o nga pahikara toru, ā, ko nga āhuahira e tino hāngai ana ki nga mea e hiahiatia ana e to tātau mākete. He tino whakataetae te utu ātea, ā, kua urupare, kua āwhina hoki te ratonga kiritaki i ia hipanga. He pai te mahi umanga ki a rātau


Pētera Dubois


He pātai anō tāu?

He aha te tikanga kia whakaarohia e ngā kaihoko ina kōwhiri motokā hou?

When choosing new cars, buyers should consider factors like fuel efficiency, safety features, technology integration, and overall reliability. It's important to assess the car's performance, comfort, and suitability for daily needs. Additionally, potential buyers should compare warranties, maintenance costs, and resale value to ensure a sound investment

New cars are equipped with advanced technology such as touchscreen infotainment systems, voice recognition, adaptive cruise control, and autonomous driving features. Connectivity options like Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and built-in GPS are now standard in many models. These technologies not only enhance the driving experience but also improve safety and convenience for drivers and passengers.

Purchasing new cars offers several benefits, including the latest safety and technology features, manufacturer warranties, and the assurance that the vehicle is in perfect condition. New cars are also customizable to a buyer's specifications, and there's no concern about prior wear and tear. Additionally, financing options and incentives from manufacturers can make new cars more accessible.

New cars are generally more environmentally friendly than older models due to stricter emission standards and improved fuel efficiency. Many new cars are hybrid or fully electric, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, advancements in materials and manufacturing processes have reduced the environmental footprint of producing new cars.

Financing options for new cars typically include loans from banks, credit unions, or dealership financing programs. Buyers can also consider leasing, which often requires lower monthly payments. It's important to compare interest rates, loan terms, and any potential incentives offered by manufacturers to find the most cost-effective financing solution.


Whakapā atu